BPC for disabled children and adolescents can pay up to one salary

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The Continuing Benefit (BPC) is a government income transfer program that pays the amount of one minimum wage (R$ 1,212) per month to some groups of people in vulnerable situations. In this sense, check now how to guarantee the BPC for disabled children and adolescents.

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BPC for children and teenagers

In the case of children and adolescents with some type of disability, the condition must be capable of causing impairments of a mental, intellectual, long-term sensory or physical experience (with effects that last for at least two years) in a way that makes it impossible for them to be fully and effectively in the society.

Need for CadÚnico

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the child or adolescent, as well as their family, must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) to have access to the benefit. In addition, the family income per person must be equal to or less than ¼ of the minimum wage, that is, R$ 303.

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How to apply for BPC and what is needed?

The interested party or his/her legal guardian can look for the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) to receive information about the BPC and how to apply for it. Thus, it is not necessary to pay intermediaries or agents to receive the benefit.

The BPC application can be made through the INSS service channels, by calling 135 (toll-free number to a landline) or by using the mobile app or website “Meu INSS”. In addition, it can also be done in person at Social Security Agencies (APS).

The process to apply is simple, just present an official photo identification document, which does not need to be an original, as simple copies of documents are accepted. In addition, it is also necessary to present documents from the legal representative and other family members.

After enrollment, the child or adolescent will still need to undergo a medical and social assessment at the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The benefit will be granted as long as the person is prevented from participating and developing their school life, in addition to being unable to have a social life like other children and adolescents of the same age.


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