Apple Vision Pro Glasses receives criticism for the price and becomes a meme on Twitter

Apple has launched one of the most anticipated products in the technology market, the Vision Pro. Mixed reality glasses have advanced settings that combine the digital world and the real world.

With the biggest immersive launch of the time, you can navigate using your hands, eyes or voice to perform any tasks in your routine.

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But not everyone on Twitter was charmed by the vision pro settings and others are already discussing the value of the product, which costs almost R$20,000.

Check below some of the comments and criticisms that the apple received from Brazilians for the launch of the new technological product of augmented reality.

One of the users took the opportunity to compare the experience with the glasses with the moment of wearing new prescription glasses:

For one of the people, the model has an aesthetic very similar to another well-known brand in Brazil, the official mascot of the company Sadia:

Another profile will take advantage of the technological launch to just browse another social network at the moment:

The characters of Monica's Gang were also highly remembered at the launch of the Vision Pro

Finally, the expensive value of Apple glasses was commented on Twitter again:

But how does the new Vision Pro device work?

The most technological and innovative product on the market has mixed reality settings. that is, the Vision Pro can maintain a continuous interaction between the digital experience and the real world.

Commands can be accessed easily with eyes, hands or via voice command. The brand promise is that you will be able to do everything you want in a much better way that, before, seemed impossible.

The product still features technologies that will be explored and that will be gradually inserted into people's routine. However, the launch represents one of the greatest advances in world technology and can be experienced by anyone who wants to pay more than 20,000 reais.

For now, many people on Twitter can only continue creating wonderful memes with a lot of humor and Brazilian characters.

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