The 4 best ways to gain lean mass quickly

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Exercise often and stick to a routine. food healthy are essential ingredients. However, hypertrophy is still not the way you want to achieve it and your body does not develop as easily as you imagined. It is exactly at this moment that the desire to abandon the routine arises.

For beginners especially, this is a question that happens all too often. However, from now on, your gym routine will be different! Follow these four tips for great success in gaining lean mass.

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Improve your performance and gain lean mass

train hard

Only with more intense training will the result come. If you are tired of the routine, for example, the ideal is also to work hard at the gym and opt for more intense workouts. During training, when you feel close to exhaustion, take a 5-minute break and then continue.

train to failure

Aligned with intensity, training to failure is a technique to know your body's limits. One of the biggest beginner mistakes is giving up when the muscle is starting to hurt. Muscle pain doesn't mean you've failed. To test your limits, try as many reps as you can until you can't complete the rep; when you reach that level, celebrate, because you've reached failure!

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Fear wrong enough? Work on it!

It's challenging to always go further, everyone knows that. the secret of hypertrophy is to achieve failure between 6 to 12 repetitions of the movement. If you are on a more exhausting day, the failure may happen sooner than expected. On those days, choose to drop the weight and continue training to failure.

train the grip

To achieve better development in training, grip is important. On upper training days, hold dumbbells until your hand starts to open. This is a technique that will help you grip weights for upper limb training.

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