Dinner in 20 minutes: satisfy your hunger with this simple and practical savory delight

Do you live in a rush and don't have time to prepare an elaborate dish for lunch, snack or dinner? We've put together a quick recipe for Pizza healthy dish that will make your mouth water, make your life easier and take no more than 20 minutes to prepare. Do we answer your prayers? So check out this preparation that will surprise you.

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A quick dinner with delicious healthy pizza

Check out this delicious dish now that you can abuse at will.

Quick and healthy pizza

Ideal for busy days, for those who don't want to leave their diet or even for those who are concerned about maintaining their health at its peak. This recipe will be of great value to you and the whole family.

Ingredients for the recipe

Stay tuned for the necessary items and anticipate to always have them at home. Who has never faced situations that required a certain agility in food preparation? So see what you will need.

  • 100 g of raw quinoa;
  • 40 ml of water;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Grated cheese;
  • Tempê;
  • Olives to taste.
  • Basil to taste.

Method of preparation

It is also important to schedule the execution of the recipe, since the quinoa must be soaked for a period of one hour. Yes, the preparation is quick, but some things need to be done in advance.

  • Start by soaking raw quinoa for at least 60 minutes;
  • Then wash it well in abundant water;
  • Grind the ingredients mentioned in about 40 ml of water;
  • Spread the mixture on parchment paper and bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 200ºC;
  • Add the tomato pulp and cheese, tempeh, basil and olives;
  • After that, take the pizza back to the oven for a few more minutes. Just until the cheese melts.

Ready! your dinner healthy it is ready to be consumed. You can serve it at other times of the day. You can even make the dish as an alternative to a tasty afternoon snack that is not harmful to health.

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