Find out more about the so-called 'happiness quartet'

There is a set of hormones that are responsible for the sensations we have when we are happy. They are naturally produced in our body, but small actions can help in production.

Such hormones regulate our well-being and even happiness and are correlated to our daily lives, physical exercises, lifestyle, habits and thoughts.

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The so-called happiness quartet concerns the following hormones:

  • Serotonin;
  • Oxytocin;
  • Endorphin;
  • Dopamine.

These neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers, stimulating, balancing and transporting signals between neurons and other cells in the human body. When released, they bridge the gap between cells, attaching themselves to another neuron and stimulating or inhibiting it, depending on their function.

Below, understand more about how they work and how you can act to make your body produce more of them, thus increasing your sense of well-being and happiness.


It stimulates the serotonergic system, which is largely related to our well-being and mood. Low serotonin levels can be associated with depression and anxiety. So what can we do to increase her levels?

The reason that stimulates serotonin production is still widely studied. However, it is verified that the peaks of this neurotransmitter happen when the person practices pleasant activities and that bring with them a sense of well-being and happiness, however subjective and individual that response may be.

So, the recommendation to increase serotonin levels in the body are:

  • Regular physical exercise;
  • Feed properly;
  • In severe cases, seek medical follow-up to use specific medications or therapies for each case.


Oxytocin is also called the love hormone, as it is normally released when we are close to our romantic partners. It was discovered in 1909 and has the main function of promoting uterine muscle contractions during childbirth and milk ejection during breastfeeding.

However, it is not restricted to these functions, as it also decreases the levels of cortisol – a stress-related hormone – in the body. It is also related to the feeling of security and fidelity between a couple, as well as the feeling of emotional and physical well-being, as well as the feeling of pleasure.

To increase the production of oxytocin in the body, there are some recommendations:

  • Meditation;
  • Physical activities;
  • Practices that increase the feeling of well-being and self-confidence;
  • Some foods like eggs, meat, fish, seafood, oilseeds, dark leafy vegetables and milk.


Another one of the hormones related to happiness, it is seen as the short-lived state, but quite euphoric that we find when practicing more intense exercises, such as cycling or running.

It is not only associated with these practices, as it can also be released when we eat a very good meal, when we fall in love, when we have sex and even when we laugh.

It acts as a natural analgesic of the human body, reducing stress, controlling anxiety, increasing self-esteem, improving mood, memory, attention and focus, strengthening immunity and increasing libido.

Important points to increase endorphin levels in the body are:

  • To laugh;
  • Having contact with ultraviolet light;
  • Having physical contact with another person;
  • Listen to music;
  • Meditate;
  • Do acupuncture;
  • Practice physical activities.


Finally, the dopamine in our body works by causing the feeling of satisfaction, pleasure and increasing our motivation. Still, it is seen as an aid in controlling movements, intestinal health, increasing muscle mass, as well as increasing attention and memory levels.

The main difference between dopamine and serotonin is the way they are produced in the body. The first arises from tyrosine, while the second from tryptophan. Not only that, one directly interferes with the other's levels, so that when one is high, the other has a drop.

To stimulate the production of dopamine, the tips are:

  • Eat foods rich in tyrosine, such as fish, eggs, meats, beans, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, avocados, dairy products and bananas;
  • Dedicate yourself to some manual hobbies like home repairs, knitting and crafts;
  • Listening to music or performing other pleasurable activities;
  • Meditate;
  • Practice physical exercises.

The importance of physical exercise

As can be seen, a common thing among the four hormones seen as responsible for happiness and well-being is physical activity, which is very important for everyday life. It is a practice that promotes a healthier lifestyle. Thus, it is important to dedicate a few words to this topic.

In addition to the already verified benefits of regular physical activity, they can still help with:

  • Social interaction;
  • Greater disposition for day-to-day tasks;
  • Aging process, giving greater autonomy to the elderly;
  • Reduced stress and increased well-being;
  • Improved quality of sleep;
  • Aid in cognitive performance;
  • Maintenance of weight control;
  • Prevention of pain and reduction of functional disability;
  • Changes in the body, some of which are directly associated with improved self-esteem;
  • Improvement in conditioning cardiorespiratory and muscular;
  • Control of cholesterol levels;
  • Treatment of anxiety and depression;
  • Prevention of some chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
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