15 names for cats inspired by famous people


Your favorite artist's name might have been used to name someone's kitten. Continue reading and find out.

Per Murillo Soares
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It is not uncommon for tutors to use their idols to name their cats. In addition to being a way to have famous people close by (in a way), it is also a homage.

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The survey of these names was carried out based on data from the companies Dog Hero and Petlove, whose platform has about 212 thousand registered kittens.

So, if you still have doubts about what to name your feline, see the list below to inspire you.

15 names for cats inspired by famous people

  • Amy: Name inspired by the singers Amy Winehouse and Amy Lee (lead singer of the band Evanescence) or the film actress Amy Adams;
  • Anita: Name inspired by the Brazilian singer Anita;
  • demi: Homage to American pop rock singer Demi Lovato;
  • Diana: Name comes as homage to the Princess Diana, who died in 1997;
  • Drake: Cats are named after Canadian rapper Drake;
  • Elvis: The name comes from the King of Rock, Elvis Presley, who passed away in 1977;
  • Fred: One can write Fred, Freddy or Freddie. The name comes from the lead singer of the band Queen, Freddie Mercury, who died in 1991;
  • Frida: name comes from plastic artist Mexican Frida Kahlo;
  • Hamilton: Cats are named after the athlete Lewis Hamilton or the musical of the same name;
  • Harry: There are many Harrys to honor: Harry Potter, Harry Styles or Prince Harry;
  • Lana: Cats are named after the American pop singer Lana del Rey;
  • Lennon: This one comes from one of the band members The Beatles, John Lennon. Other members of the group are also constantly honored by cat owners;
  • Madonna: Homage to the American pop star of the same name;
  • Nicki: Name comes as a tribute to rapper Nicki Minaj;
  • Ozzy: Owners of cats named after the rock singer Ozzy Osbourne.

Remember an important detail: only use famous names on your cats if you really like them. After all, you will repeat it countless times throughout the day and you will spend a good time with the pet.

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