Learn how to make Queen Elizabeth II's favorite scrambled eggs

Princess Elizabeth II, also known as Queen Elizabeth II, always cherished a breakfast with good eggs scrambled.

However, this recipe has always been made differently for her. That's why, in today's article, we're going to teach you how to make Princess Elizabeth II's favorite way of eating scrambled eggs.

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Learn how to make this royal recipe

The queen's palate is well known by the public for always opting for scones - a pastry item -, tea and jelly sandwiches. But what many don't know is that she always prioritized her scrambled eggs for breakfast. Such an egg is made in a different way than the traditional way, adding ingredients that guarantee the egg an explosion of flavors.

Check now what are the necessary ingredients and the way to prepare Queen Elizabeth's scrambled eggs:

1. Ingredients needed to make the Queen's recipe

  • 3 eggs;
  • lemon juice;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Milk;
  • Butter;
  • Scallion;
  • Black pepper.

2. How to prepare the eggs

Check out the step-by-step guide on how to make royal scrambled eggs:

First, in a preheated frying pan, add a tablespoon of butter and wait for it to melt. After that, add 3 eggs at once to the skillet and wait to fry a little. Meanwhile, add a touch of lemon juice and a pinch of nutmeg to the eggs. In addition, it is necessary to add a spoonful of milk – this part is very important, since it is responsible for making the eggs fluffier. When the egg is starting to fry, stir it until it's at the point you like. Add a little lemon zest and a pinch of nutmeg. Then transfer the scrambled eggs to the plate and add chives and a little black pepper for a finishing touch.

Wassup did you like the recipe? If you liked it, share it with friends and family so they can enjoy the royal scrambled eggs!

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