Teachers begin to analyze the impacts of ChatGPT on teaching

Launched in late 2022, the chatbot from OpenAl has the ability to answer extremely complex questions in an original and well-argued way. Therefore, teachers are concerned with the ChatGPT impacts in teaching, and with that, they are looking for new possibilities of evaluation.

Educators begin to discuss how to proceed after ChatGPT launches

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The technology is extremely recent, but it has already caused several impacts around the world, after all, the Chatbot with artificial intelligence is extremely advanced and has extraordinary capabilities.

As the resource can be easily accessed by students, teachers around the world are starting to think about possibilities to face the impacts that will come with ChatGPT. The tool has the surprising ability to respond and elaborate complex, original and well-articulated texts.

So, now, the teachers' concern goes beyond the possibility of their students plagiarizing some content from the internet, especially because, with ChatGPT, it is possible to prepare an original text for the student without making any effort some.

Schools Start Blocking Chatbot Access

Chatbot capabilities are surprising and, at the same time, extremely worrying for educators, as the use use of the tool can inhibit students from developing critical thinking, argumentation and problem solving skills. problems. Thinking about it, schools in New York, in the United States, simply blocked ChatGPT.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

For him, ChatGPT is not a problem, but an innovation in the world's educational system, just as calculators and even the internet were.

The impacts of ChatGPT for educators

A professor at the Department of Social Communication at UFRN, Juliana Aires, says that ChatGPT will change the way social media are made. assessments currently and still states that he will change the proposed activities in his discipline.

For her, identifying plagiarism is easier than it seems and states:

“Usually, they disobey the metric that the text requires, or you end up correlating it with the student's own ability, with whom you have direct and daily contact.”

Using ChatGPT would make the process much more complicated, so she completes:

“This requires us to look for new evaluation methods and escape texts that are produced with the aid of computers.”

As for Ana Lúcia de Souza Lopes, from the Pedagogy course at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, it will not be so difficult to differentiate the text made by a student and by ChatGPT, she says:

“The student has the experience and the reading in the classroom. The robot did not experience these experiences that the student had.”

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