Pix Garantido promises to revolutionize credit service

O Guaranteed Pix promises to 'do away' with credit cards and be as popular as instant cash transfers. The new type of installment offers the possibility of scheduling payments for other dates, opening up a space of time equal to a credit, only with significantly lower interest rates than the card. Developed by the Central Bank, it is expected to be launched this year.

Read more: Pix with new functions promises to make life even easier for Brazilians

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Success since its debut in October 2020 has enshrined instant transfers (Pix) as one of the main forms of payment in Brazil. The service is already part of the Brazilian cultural repertoire, even being present in songs and viral memes on the Internet.

Based on the rapid popularization of the way to make and receive payments, the Central Bank is studying other possibilities for the tool, such as Pix in installments. The new feature has already been confirmed. The “Guaranteed Pix” receives this name because financial institutions guarantee that shopkeepers will receive payment through of a data analysis, which checks if the user has enough credit limit to make the purchase and confirms it. When the payment date arrives, the bank, which acts as this intermediary institution, will debit the balance.

The Pix tool works 24 hours a day, seven days a week, between financial institutions. Transfers are made using a key that must be registered. The instant transfer system already has two different modes: Pix Saque and Pix Troco. Installment on Pix, although not made official by the Central Bank, is already offered by some institutions, such as Santander, Mercado Pago and PicPay.

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