Startup is developing pill to extend the lives of animals

Only those who have a pet at home know how much it is possible to become attached to them and wish they lived longer. The short life expectancy of dogs it is usually one of the reasons for the greatest suffering of their owners. Fortunately, this problem may be over soon, as Loyal has started development on a pill that should make dogs live longer. Interested? See more details.

How would this pill work?

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Maybe you don't know, but for a long time the life expectancy of human beings was very low. That's because, without the proper technology, any disease could kill us, even the simplest ones like diarrhea. Therefore, medicines have revolutionized our history, as they have allowed us to prolong our years.

Similarly, it is sought to add some more to the life of dogs, by means of special pills. In this case, Loyal works with the research of two different types of medicine. In the first, there is technology capable of delaying the onset of diseases typical of advanced age, such as kidney failure and dementia.

The second medicine, on the other hand, seeks to act more specifically for each breed of dog, in order to reduce some cellular processes typical of the breed. With that, there would be a pill for each type of dog, which can result in greater efficiency, since each breed presents different risks.

Hope for Owners

It may seem that these studies are still very futuristic, but this is not the case. Loyal already has a millionaire budget, which is around US$ 58 million. In large part, this amount arises from the great demand of pet owners who cannot bear the idea that their animal live so little time like this.

In addition, the study has a great chance of succeeding, since carrying out research on the longevity of dogs is cheaper than on the longevity of human beings. Since dogs live, on average, about 12 years, it is easier to follow the whole process to reach the conclusion that the medicine works or not.

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