Do you know the incredible power of pets? Check out!

To have Pets around will always be an excellent way to explore feelings and develop them. Including, the benefits that these creatures bring us go far beyond what we imagine and present surprising results. With this, one of the main beneficiaries is our brain and we will explain how. So, check out the incredible power that pets “hide”.

The human brain and pets

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Being good listeners and excellent companions, pets are capable of completely changing a person. Of course, this doesn't happen overnight. Precisely because it is a relationship, time is necessary for changes to happen and to be, in fact, noticed.

In this sense, the University of Michigan (USA) conducted a study that identified an improvement in brain activity rates in people who lived with pets. That is, the presence of these animals is capable of bringing about improvements in human cognitive activities. However, the changes could only be clearly noticed in people over the age of 65, since it is in them that brain activities begin to perform in a “slower” way.

In addition, it has not been scientifically proven that pets were the true influencers of these changes, in the case of an associative case. However, what one cannot fail to notice is that those who have sharper cognitive activities are great companions for pets and vice versa. Consequently, the animals stimulated their owners in various activities and were quite beneficial to them.

The study analyzed a group of more than 20,000 people over 50 years of age and concluded that the memory of those who lived with pets was more developed than those without a pet. So check now how pets were useful in the lives of their owners:

  • Physical activity

Science says that moving daily benefits – and a lot – brain health, ensuring an active cognition of those who do it. Incidentally, it is very common to stop performing physical activities after a certain age, causing individuals to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. However, those who have at least one pet move more due to the need for pets to leave the house for a while.

  • Loneliness

Chatting with people is very efficient to keep the brain active, but the older we get we get lonely and have no one to talk to. As a solution, pets serve as great company, since it is possible to talk to them and caress them, thus avoiding loneliness.

  • anxiety and stress

Finally, they still work as real tranquilizers. Spending time with the pet, caressing it, reduces symptoms of stress, anxiety and the like in older people, according to the study.

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