Learn the causes and symptoms of Salmonella infection

The kitchen is a wonderful place, full of passionate sensations: like the smell of food being cooked, the beauty of the colors of the ingredients, the most diverse flavors, among other factors.

However, when that same place does not work according to the necessary hygiene standards, it can bring risks and potential dangers to health. Spoiled, poorly cooked, as well as poorly prepared food can cause serious damage to health.

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To find out more about which most common causes of infections salmonella, check out the full article!

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The main cause of salmonella

Salmonella is a bacteria that lives in the digestive tract of animals and humans and is the cause of salmonellosis.

When some foods are eaten raw, or poorly prepared, the risk of contracting this bacteria is very high. Some examples would be: consuming poultry, red meat, eggs or unpasteurized milk.

In addition to these foods, it is important to give greater prominence to chicken meat. Studies have shown that 1 out of 25 packages of supermarket chicken are contaminated with Salmonella. Because of this, great care is needed when preparing this food.

When infected with the bacteria in question, some people may not show any symptoms. However, others may develop severe symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, among other even more serious factors, and you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, many people end up confusing and believing that they have the famous "stomach flu", when in fact it is a Salmonella infection. That's why it's always important to have a proper diagnosis made by a qualified professional.

How to avoid contamination

As stated earlier, Salmonella can be contracted by consuming raw or undercooked food. However, there are other ways of spreading the bacteria. For example, not sanitizing the cutting board after use can be a source of spread.

Also, washing chicken or beef under running water is also a high risk factor. This happens because instead of disinfecting the meat, you are spreading the bacteria present there. If you prefer, clean the meat with lemon, but be aware that bacteria will only be eliminated by completing cooking properly.

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