Coriander is a food capable of creating a lot of controversy around it. For many people, it has an incomparable taste, serving to improve and flavor various dishes and recipes. However, others hate the taste of coriander because they find it similar to soap. Understand now why this happens.
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Freshness or custom?
Several people believe that the real reason for some people to believe that coriander tastes similar to soap is because they are not used to consuming this food. Also, they say they just don't like coriander because they are a bit nauseous about food. However, what they don't imagine is that there is a third explanation: genetics!
After years of studies and research, it has been proven that the reason some people can't stand the flavor or taste of cilantro and find it similar to soap is linked to genetics. Currently, we know that people are unique and complex and that they have different tastes, but what changes many times is also the taste and the way they react to some substances.
OR6A2 receiver
The smell of food is identified by neurons that have the sense of smell. One of these olfactory receptors is the OR6A2, responsible for producing an aldehyde-identifying protein, a substance capable of identifying the smell of chemical products and giving coriander such an aroma.
According to research carried out by the company specializing in genetics 23andMe, there are people who are genetically more sensitive to this perception of aldehydes. So, because of this variation in genes, some believe that cilantro tastes similar to that of cleaning products.
In addition, it is also important to emphasize that there is a use of aldehyde during the manufacture of soap. For this reason, many people compare the taste of cilantro with this particular product.
Finally, based on data from the Britannica magazine, it is possible to make people disassociate the smell of cilantro from that of soap. For this, frequent consumption of food is necessary, and over time, this aversion will no longer exist.