Pets can sense human emotions through sweat and breath

The research was carried out by PhD student Clara Wilson from Queen's University Belfast and involved a group of 4 dogs and 36 people. To assess the stress response, the animals were taught to recognize certain smells and alert scientists the moment they were identified. The results are satisfactory and show how kittens can identify some human emotions by smell. Understand more about these dogs senses!

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Can dogs feel human emotions?

In addition to showing the sensitivity of dogs in our day-to-day situations, the study was also able to prove that human beings exude different smells depending on the type of their emotions. These smells can be detected from each individual's sweat and breath, and are directly related to human pheromones.

For this, each test performed comprised a group containing a dog and a human being. The dogs were submitted to the presence of the same person when he was happy and when he was in a stressful situation. Considering the total number of people, at least 36 tests were performed in the study.

What was possible to infer from this research?

The results obtained show us that there is still much to be researched in the field of animal sensitivity and human emotions. Therefore, according to Wilson, this will be the first of several studies to be produced with the aim of understanding the relationship between animals and humans.

These surveys serve as a reference for therapies that use the help of pets in the control and behavioral and cognitive assessment of patients. Dogs and horses have been used for years as a therapeutic support for the most varied types of problems, including to boost socialization with autistic patients, in the emotional control of depressive and anxious patients severe.

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