Artificial Intelligence could 'kill' Google and Amazon, according to Bill Gates

In an interview given this Monday (22), while participating in an event by Goldman Sachs and SV Angel in San Francisco, California, bill Gates spoke once again about his predictions for the future of Artificial Intelligence.

According to the Microsoft co-founder, the launch of AI-based virtual assistants in the future could “kill” Google and Amazon as we know them today.

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Gates explained that these tools will make Google search obsolete, as will some of Amazon's productivity tools.

“The release of the AI ​​personal assistant is going to be important because you're never going back to a research site, you're never going to a productivity site again,” he said.

"This yet-to-be-developed AI assistant will be able to understand a person's needs and habits to help them read the things they don't have time to read," said Bill Gates.

Still according to the billionaire, there are many chances that the company that launches the first AI assistant with global reach will be a startup, rather than a technology giant.

“I would be disappointed if Microsoft didn't get there,” he admitted. “But I'm impressed with some startups, including Inflection,” he concluded.

The company that Bill Gates referred to is Inflection. AI, which is co-founded by former DeepMind executive Mustafa Suleyman.

They are just predictions for the future.

Still during the conversations he held at the event in San Francisco, Bill Gates said that the AI ​​assistant will not appear anytime soon.

“It will take some time before this powerful future digital agent is ready for mainstream use,” he predicted.

Gates also stated that, while the assistant is not ready, companies will continue to use broad language models, such as ChatGPT, which already works as a kind of AI assistant.

Finally, the businessman also mentioned that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he leads, has invested in research for the development of new technologies related to health with the use of Intelligence Artificial.

He claims that with the use of AI it will be possible to develop medicines and conceive treatment options for more quickly, which can revolutionize the care of public and private health systems worldwide out.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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