How a balanced diet can help you face depression

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Depression is a mental disorder that affects many people across the world. This condition is usually accompanied by symptoms such as sadness, lack of energy, loss of interest in day-to-day activities, among others.

For the treatment of depression, the most common method is to seek out health professionals, such as psychiatrists and psychologists, who often prescribe medication. However, it is little known that it is also possible to treat depression through diet. Next, we will explain how this is possible.

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Having a nutrient-rich diet lessens the effects of depression

In addition to helping maintain physical health, a balanced diet is also responsible for mental health Of Quality. By providing important nutrients for the body, good nutrition stimulates better performance of brain activities, making the organ work in the best possible way.

Nutrients that counteract the effects of depression

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Some specific nutrients, such as vitamins B and D, omega-3s, zinc and magnesium are known to be important in combating depression and anxiety. The absence of these nutrients in the organism results in a mental breakdown, and then problems such as stress, discouragement and low disposition due to lack of energy arise.

And it is through the aforementioned nutrients that the neutralization of these effects becomes possible, precisely because of the fact that they stimulate the circulation of neurotransmitters responsible for feelings such as pleasure and agitation.

Among them are: acetylcholine, dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. Therefore, the consumption of these nutrients is essential to fight depression.

Stimulation of dopamine and serotonin

In the list of nutrients that stimulate the circulation of dopamine, a neurotransmitter known as the happiness hormone for promoting a sensation of pleasure, are protein and the amino acid tyrosine.

Therefore, consuming eggs, meat and fish (rich in protein) and nuts, avocados and cereals (sources of tyrosine) is essential.

When it comes to stimulating serotonin, the best consumption options are: carbohydrates and amino acids tryptophan. Consuming foods such as rice, sweet potatoes, beets and potatoes results in a good amount of carbohydrates.

In the case of the amino acid tryptophan, some of its main sources are: brown rice, banana and milk. In addition, the consumption of magnesium, zinc, vitamins B6 and B9 and omega-3 are also essential to combat the effects of depression.

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