Petrobras surprises and reduces diesel, gasoline and cooking gas

The state-owned company informed that the average price of diesel will be reduced by R$0.44 per liter, from R$3.46 to R$3.02 at distributors. The average price of gasoline will have a decrease of R$ 0.40 per liter, falling from R$ 3.18 to R$ 2.78 for distributors.

See too: Global Comparison: The 10 Countries with the Highest and Lowest Gas Prices

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This reduction in prices is the result of the new policy adopted by Petrobras, which now has the freedom to establish its own values. According to Jean Paul Prates, president of the state-owned company, this change represents the “Brazilianization” of fuel prices, bringing benefits both to the government and to society.

Savings for consumers

In addition, Petrobras also announced a significant drop in the average price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), popularly known as cooking gas. The value will be reduced by 21.3%, which represents significant savings for consumers.

From now on, the 13-kilogram cylinder will be sold to distributors for an average price of R$99.87, a reduction of R$8.97 compared to the previous price. If distributors pass on these savings in full, consumers will be able to purchase the cylinder for a price below the BRL 100 mark for the first time since October 2021.

Petrobras reduces fuel prices and strengthens the country's economy

It is important to point out that the final value of fuels at filling stations is influenced by other factors, such as taxes, distribution and resale profit margins, and the mix of biofuels.

However, this reduction in prices carried out by Petrobras is excellent news for consumers, bringing relief to the pockets of Brazilians and contributing to the reduction of transport costs and expenses domestic.

With this measure, Petrobras demonstrates its commitment to seek fairer and more competitive prices, benefiting the population and boosting the country's economy. Consumers will now be able to enjoy financial relief in expenses with fuel and cooking gas, allowing for better organization of the family budget.

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