According to the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban), more than 6 billion slips are issued annually, and with that many scammers seek ways to deceive Brazilians who want to keep their accounts up to date, through fake boletos. But with the help of the New Billing Platform (NPC), created in 2018, it was possible to eliminate more than BRL 450 million in fake tickets per annum.
Read more: Learn how to pay your boletos using WhatsApp
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In recent years, there have been many data leaks from Brazilians, and scammers are always on the lookout to capture them and, with that, practice cyber crimes. This makes it much easier for them when it comes to generating fake slips with the victim's data, which, due to an oversight, ends up paying.
An important tip for not falling for this scam is to choose to pay the bill by Authorized Direct Debit (ADD), as this system only accepts bills that are registered. The NPC also warns the population to keep an eye on the slips they receive, verifying that they have all the information on titles, corporate name, value, maturity date, interest, fines, discounts and, in any case, name of the beneficiary and who will pay the ticket.
Febraban released some tips for not falling for this scam. Look!
Always check ticket details
It is important that all slips issued are registered, and with that, the banks insert all the data in the document, such as the CPF or CNPJ of the person generating the billet, along with the expiration date, amount and the name, CPF or CNPJ of the person who will pay the billet.
With this, when making the payment on any channel, which can be directly at the bank, via cell phone or other channels, the data of the person or company that generated the slip will appear. Therefore, it is important that before paying the bill, you check that the beneficiary in question is correct, and that you know who will receive the payment. If the data is unknown, do not carry out the operation, and in case of doubt, seek the company's SAC.
Do not print tickets
Many scammers use a virus that, when printing the slip, some data is changed, such as the amount and the account in which the amount will be deposited. To prevent this type of scam, keep your antivirus updated and, whenever you receive a slip, request that it be sent in PDF format, which makes tampering difficult.
Check the data of the bank that issued the boleto
Note the details of the bank where the bill was issued, as many scammers use logos similar to those of real banks to confuse the customer. To be sure if the bank really exists, just check the first three numbers of the bar code, as each one corresponds to an institution.
Use Authorized Direct Debit
The DDA is a service that, when the customer authorizes it, notifies whenever a bank slip is generated in his name, checks if it is registered and sends it to be paid.
When registering with the DDA, the customer will receive all the slips issued in his name. This system takes the information directly from the NPC and, therefore, there is no risk of the document being defrauded and generated by a scammer posing as a service provider.