Latin radicals and prefixes

List of some of the main Latin radicals and prefixes found in Portuguese:

Radicals of Latin origin:

Radical Sense Example
agri field farmer
ambi both duplicity ambiguous
arbori tree afforest
avi bird poultry farming
beli war belligerent
bi, bi twice biped, great grandfather
heat (i) heat calorimetry
captain (i) head decapitate
city that kills suicidal
Glue who cultivates or inhabits winery, agricultural
cruci cross crucify
culture grow crops beekeeping
curved curved curvilinear
ego me self-centeredness
equi equal equivalent
eve age medieval
fierce that contains or produces mammal
I am who makes or produces fridge
fide faith loyalty
for me form uniform
frater brother fraternal
escape who runs away centrifugal
I generate that contains or produces beneficial
herb herb herbicide
crazy place to locate
ludo game play therapy
mater mom maternal
dead death deadly
multi much multinational
omni whole omnipresent
pari equal parity
stop that produces oviparous
pater father paternal
suffer foot pedestrian
pisci fish psyculture
pluri many multicellular
rain rain pluvial
puer child childish
hip four quadrilateral
withdrew straight right rectilinear
to withdraw sugar sucrose
frog soap soapy
sesqui one and a half sesquipedalian
silvi Forest forestry
taur (i) bull taurine
tri three tricolor
umbra shadow dimness
uxor wife uxoricide
vermi worm vermifuge
bird who eats carnivore

Latin prefixes:

Prefix Sense Example
ab(abs) removal abstract
ad(a) proximity, direction adjazar
ambi duplicity ambidextrous
before anteriority predate
good well, good success bless
bi two bisexual
circum move around circumnavigation
cis short position cisalpine
with (with or with) company fight, collaborate, contemporary
against opposition contradict
in origin, removal deport
des denial, separation, contrary action disloyal, undo
in (en or in) inward movement bury
ex(es or e) outward movement export
extra outside of unofficial
in denial beardless, unhappy
infra bellow undersigned
inter in between, middle position to intervene
intra inner position intravenous
intro inward movement introduce
fair together with juxtapose
bad bad curse
ob opposition hinder
pain almost penultimate
per move through walk
pos posterior position postpone
pre anteriority predict
defer Besides preternatural
pro anteriority, forward proceed
re backward movement again curb
retro backward movement retroaction
semi a half semicircle
soto inferior position sotopor
sub inferiority, from the bottom up subscribe
super top position Superman
above top position above mentioned
trans Besides pierce
tri three tripartite
ultra beyond limit to surpass
vis (vice) instead of vice consul

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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