27% of Brazilian cities transfer funds from basic education to other levels

The law does not prevent municipalities from allocating resources to other areas of education, but this can only happen when priority needs have already been guaranteed. Thiago Pinheiro Lima, president of the National Council of Attorneys General of Accounts (GNPCC), explained that the reason for non-compliance with the National Education Plan by city halls is not the lack of resources.

“This survey identified that 1,494 municipalities did not comply with the law not for lack of budgetary resources, but for not giving priority to what the law determines, because it was identified that these same municipalities are spending on secondary education and higher education, which is not a priority for these counties."

Measures taken

Letters were sent by the president of CNPGC to all 31 Attorney Generals of Accounts in the country so that the mayors of these nearly 1,500 cities take action and prioritize investment in early childhood education, as determined by the Constitution and the PNE.

For Alexandre Schneider, consultant and researcher in education at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo (FGV-SP), investment in the first


“The best investment a country can make is in childhood. This is where children begin their cognitive development process. This, several experts in economics and neuroscience have already pointed out and point out. The fact that we are unable to guarantee the right of these children to have access to daycare and preschool seriously harms their future development.”

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