THESE are the 3 unluckiest signs of the zodiac

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Do you consider yourself a lucky person? Well, if so, it has to do with your sign, according to astrologers.

However, if you lack luck in everything in life, believe me: your sign is also behind it. That's why we make a point of listing the three most unlucky people in the zodiac and letting you know about this topic.

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The 3 most unlucky signs of the zodiac

People whose toast always lands butter side down, who spill the coffee on his clothes and who gets bird shit on his head every time he leaves the house.

These signs even tend to be more pessimistic about life. After all, as good things don't always happen, they don't even wait for them anymore.

You are that way? Is your sign on this list? Let's find out right now!


Aries people can be very unlucky, in part because of their impulsiveness.

With them, routine always involves unexpected accidents, missed opportunities and many, many obstacles. It even seems that the

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bad luck is around the corner, just waiting to hug you.

Maybe that's why they are famous for being such stressed people. But, let's face it, who would be "peace and love" with so many unlucky events happening around them?


What saves Geminis is their unique way of getting out of trouble with creativity. If it weren't for that, they would be people with even more convoluted lives.

There are many obstacles for those with the sign of Gemini: they are things like crazy people around them, frustrated plans and a lot of complications.


You don't realize all the bad luck in Libras' lives, but that's because their diplomacy is so deceiving.

The native elegance of people born under this constellation makes people believe that their life looks like an Instagram feed, but it doesn't.

Their routine is totally involved by situations that try to take away their peace of mind – as if they were several trials. Let there be wisdom to keep the balance!

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.
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