Pix makes life easier for those who work with HR and assists in complying with the LGPD

After almost 2 years of its debut in November 2020, pix today is a huge success and is already the second main form of payment most used in Brazil, second only to money, data from a survey carried out by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers (CNDL).

More than 438 million PIX keys were accounted for from 2020 to April 2022 by the Central Bank. Of this amount, almost 18.6 million are related to companies, the other 420 million are individuals and thus the HR routine of companies has also changed.

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The human resources sector waives the request for data to pay employees, just the Pix key. Once this is done, the amount instantly enters the account, there are even initiatives aimed at the sector, such as RHPix.

“We started using RHPix, a salary payment system developed by Employer to safely carry out the payment in 2021, in partnership with Banco do Brasil and Banco Itaú", explains Vera Lúcia Santos, HR specialist at Employer. “The transfer takes place almost instantly, the platform issues a warning via SMS that the salary is in the account and the employee can be anywhere in the country to check, simply by entering their bank’s application or website”, complete.

The autonomy that the system has brought to HR is so great that it has become possible to hire and pay someone who doesn't even have a bank account, this can end up bringing extra savings by not having discounts from the conventional fees of the banks. “Pix benefits the company's HR, as it is possible to eliminate manual work, reducing hours spent on these tasks. activities and banking fees that conventional banks always apply in payment transactions", explains Vera Lucia.

The management of all company payments can be carried out via the internet, in the cloud, eliminating physical documents.

For small and medium-sized companies, there is also one less thing to worry about, as the employee and HR have different accesses, only the data necessary by the company are displayed, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

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