New on Google Maps: you can see the route and traffic in 3D!

Last Wednesday, the 10th, Google unveiled a new feature called Immersive View for its online map, which uses artificial intelligence to offer users an immersive experience when viewing routes.

This technology allows the recreation of cities in 3D, providing detailed information about the route, including the specific weather condition of the location at a given time of day. A luxury, isn't it?

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As Immersive View, users will be able to explore the routes in a more interactive and engaging way, visualizing in detail the cities that are part of the route. The display of weather conditions will also provide an additional perspective for planning your trip. trips, allowing users to be prepared for local weather conditions during the route.

Photo: Reproduction / Google.

Google Maps updates and will feature 3D artificial intelligence feature

The feature was announced for 15 cities, but unfortunately Brazil will not be part of the new Google Maps route yet. The cities covered were:

Germany: Berlin;
U.S: Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose;
France: Paris;
Netherlands: Amsterdam;
Ireland: Dublin;
Italy: Florence, Venice;
England: London;
Japan: Tokyo.

The news was disclosed during the annual event for developers, the Google I/O. The update is not just an immersive tour, but full information about the place the user has chosen as a destination.

Traffic data is not limited to just the road, but everything around it, such as trees, stores and other possibilities.

It is believed that the update will be similar to Google View 36º, as in the browser, but this time it will be directly through the platform on Google Maps. Anxious to arrive in Brazil?

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