Optimize Your Day: 4 AI Features to Gain Valuable Hours

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In recent years, artificial intelligence has been gaining more and more space in our lives. While some people are afraid that AI will take over our jobs and some functions, this technology can be quite useful in everyday life.

Many say that the artificial intelligence may end up replacing human labor in several sectors, generating mass unemployment. However, these assumptions are a bit overblown as AI can help save time on many tasks.

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How to use artificial intelligence to save time

Nowadays, AI can fulfill many tasks that were previously done only by people. With this technology, you can save time by assigning tasks to be performed by AI programs. Here are some functions that AI can do for you:

1. writing

AI programs are capable of using languages ​​to produce articles, news, reports, letters and various types of text. The quality of the tool will depend on the content you are trained to make. A good example of a program is the

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ChatGPT, which is a language bot capable of writing texts.

2. design

Another way that AI helps in our work is with tools for design generation, art, layouts and image editing. For this use, AI receives a lot of criticism, with artists arguing that using this technology does not is a way of making art, although several artists are already using AI to develop them.

Several Instagram photographers have already admitted to using AI programs to create their portraits.

3. Data analysis

AI is capable of analyzing huge amounts of data in impressive periods of time. It is possible to train programs to identify patterns and find errors that would be difficult for humans to identify. These programs are already used for research at universities and companies that invest in data technology.

4. Data input

A well-trained AI bot can enter data faster and in greater volume than humans. In 5 to 10 years, the expectation is that this task will be fully automated, with people working only on bug fixes, system improvements and security updates.

AI is now able to convert printed or written text into digital data, which is essential to reduce manual errors and streamline the process.


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