ATTENTION! Learn to spot a passive-aggressive person

As the nomenclature already indicates, the passive-aggressive people they have a personality that is a mix of passivity and aggression, but in a different way. It's like they can't express their concerns, dissatisfaction or anger directly.

Instead, they opt for more subtle ways of showing that they are upset about something, without getting into a confrontation, which creates situations of intense uneasiness.

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Understand the behaviors of a passive-aggressive person and know how to identify these individuals.

6 passive-aggressive behaviors

Here are some classic examples of passive-aggressive behavior:

1. sarcasm and irony

These people love to drop sarcastic or ironic comments to show their frustration, sometimes disguised as jokes. Rather than responding directly to questions or requests, they prefer to give vague answers or simply go off topic.

2. Emotional silence or withdrawal

Participate in an open and honest discussion? No way! They prefer to remain silent or avoid any type of communication, which makes it difficult to resolve conflicts in a healthy way.

3. passive aggression

Rather than expressing their anger clearly, they prefer to do little things to piss off others. others, such as ignoring, responding in a curt way, or even failing to fulfill their responsibilities shared.

Instead of facing problems, they offer subtle criticism, often disguised as advice or observations. innocent in an acidic way.

4. emotional manipulation

These people are masters at playing emotional games to get what they want, they make others feel guilty or responsible for their frustrations.

And they have enormous difficulty in making decisions or giving clear answers, which ends up frustrating everyone and making it difficult to resolve outstanding issues.

5. passive behavior

They even agree to do something or accept commitments, but then act negligently or resistantly, showing disinterest or unwillingness.

6. Ignore or Minimize Problems

They prefer to pretend that important issues don't exist or downplay their importance, which makes it very difficult to resolve conflicts effectively.

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