Brazilian biochemist born in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, who dedicated his life to an intellectual and scientific production of rare magnitude and depth, befitting his enormous moral conscience and humanitarian concern, and known for his dedication to Auguste's positivism Comte.
Graduated in biochemistry, he received a doctorate in chemistry from the Pasteur Institute, University of Paris (1931) and became a full professor of general chemist at the Polytechnic School of Rio and head of the plant and animal chemistry laboratory at the National Institute of Technology (1933). He was appointed Secretary of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce of Pernambuco (1935) and conducted research on curare at the Pasteur Institute in Paris (1936-1941).
Brazilian delegate to the first United Nations General Assembly, in London (1946), participated in the creation and served as ambassador of Brazil with UNESCO (1946-1958), dedicating himself intensely to its causes and projects, especially in safeguarding the cultural and scientific heritage of the humanity.
Known for his dedication to positivism by the French philosopher Auguste Comte, as a result of his great interest and study on positivism and on its founder created (1954) the International Association La Maison d'Auguste Comte, based in the apartment on Rue Monsieur Le Prince, where this philosopher lived. He was elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters (1971), occupying seat No. 36. He published many scientific works and the book Vers un nouvel humanisme (1970) and died in Rio de Janeiro.
Among the various professional activities, he stood out as the creator of the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations, an organ that defends the freedom of intellectuals and scientists, and was the creator of the International Institute of Hiléia Amazônica (1950), a project that was shelved for reasons policies.
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Order P - Biography - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School -