Signs of each breed of cat: what does astrology say about the personality of these felines?

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Like humans, animals have personality. We list the main ones characteristics of the sign of each breed of cat, after all, as much as they say that they are all equal and independent, each one has its own characteristics and preferences. Keep reading and learn a little more about your kitty.

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Sign of each breed of cat

The dates corresponding to feline signs are the same as those for humans, so see below what astrology says about your kitty's personality.

  • Aries

He is represented by Savannah Cat. Aries Kittens are impulsive, restless and adventurous. Sometimes they fight with other animals. They are very faithful to their guardians and can be affectionate, although they prefer to be alone at certain times.

  • Bull

The Russian Blue Cat represents the sign of Taurus. Those born in this sign are very fond of eating, and are generally lazy and love comfort. Avoid sudden changes in the routine of these kittens, as they don't get along with unexpected changes.

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  • Twins

The feline sign of Gemini is symbolized by the Bengal Cat. Gemini Kittens are energetic, intelligent and adventurous. In this way, they are smart and seem to understand well what their tutors say. They are easy to learn tricks and pranks.

  • Cancer

Cancer's cat is the Sphynx. Like good Cancerians, the cats of this sign are the most affectionate and dramatic of all. Therefore, avoid leaving them alone for a long time or without receiving attention.

  • Lion

The Maine Coon represents Leo cats. That's because they are the most imposing cats that exist. They exude beauty and elegance wherever they go, they are always cleaning themselves and love to be treated well and live in comfortable environments.

  • Virgin

It is the sign whose symbol is the Siamese cats. They are very intelligent animals and explore their instinct a lot. Don't think it's strange if he shows up with weird “gifts” at home, like dead animals, for example. This is because they are born hunters.

  • Lb

Libra kittens are the most sociable and are represented by Gato Abiníssimo. However, like good natives of this sign, these cats take time to make decisions and can be a little slow, so be patient with them.

  • Scorpion

Represented by the Angora Cat, Scorpio cats are very jealous and can make a scene if they feel they are being left out. So be very careful not to arouse his wrath.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius kittens value their freedom very much, so they are represented by the Burmese cat. They love to play and interact, but be careful because they might try to run away, after all, they like to be free.

  • Capricorn

Capricorn cats are represented by the Munchkin Cat. They have a spirit of leadership and are as imposing as Leo cats. These kittens manage to be respected wherever they go, even in front of other animals.

  • Aquarium

Aquarian cats are generally a bit naughty and can be irritating, especially when bathing, which they don't like. However, they know how to be affectionate and companions. These kittens have the Ragdoll Cat as their symbol.

  • Fish

Pisces kittens are a little clumsy, but they are extremely faithful and loving. They love to eat and receive affection. It is the ideal type of cat for families with children. They are represented by the Persian Cat.
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