Don't lose your mind: see 5 tips to keep calm with your child

Motherhood poses several challenges for the mother. One of them is to remain calm in front of the behavior of the children after a difficult day, after all, the routine overloads. Any attitude of his can gain much more stressful proportions than it should. Therefore, it is important to regain calm to develop a better relationship with children, especially in view of the fact that children's behavior can be a reflection of yours. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you stay calm.

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All good fathers and mothers dream of being a great example for their children, however the reality can be very different. Often they end up yelling and saying things to the kids. Things you'll regret later. The motivation is always the loss of patience. Want to learn to be more patient with them? Follow along.

The truth is that your child's behavior is not always a big problem, as children go through different stages in their development, so maybe he's just acting according to his age. That's why it's important to stay patient, after all, it's all part of the process. Of course, we must take into account that the exhausting routine away from home is already enough cause to generate stress. Any slightest annoying attitude from the child ends up being a reason to explode, so be very careful not to take the anger out on him.

5 tips for not losing patience with your child

It is common for younger people to behave inappropriately, as they are in the process of training and often do not know how to deal with their own emotions. Therefore, it is essential that the role of the family is one of welcoming, not of constant fights and screams. In addition to the attitudes not being educational at all, this only causes more frustration in the child. Here are some tips to ensure a healthier education.

make eye contact

You and your child need to stay calm, so look him in the eye and stay grounded. Show him that you are there for his good, not to punish him.


Sometimes breathing is the best option to not explode, so relax your jaw, count from one to ten and try to solve the problem without screaming, after all, you are the adult in the relationship. Don't act with hysteria.

take a break

Continuing the stress will only make it worse. Take about ten minutes for yourself to calm down, then go fix the situation.

Build a relationship with dialogue

Screaming won't help you at all, so establish a dialogue with your child, question him why that attitude and explain where he is going wrong. Be a partner.

focus on what matters

There will be days when the child will test your patience. If what he wants won't be affecting the progress of the routine and won't harm her, it's important to give in from time to time, since this is also about her individuality.

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