Understand why chronic delay is considered a positive thing

Some may interpret constant delay as a sign of immaturity or perhaps as a really serious problem. In this sense, although a non-punctual person can be seen negatively by society, a Harvard Medical School survey revealed that this condition can bring benefits. So see more in this article the reason why delay can be positive.

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Understand the benefits of not being a punctual person

People who are not punctual feel less stressed, according to Harvard Medical School research. These people operate more calmly and collectedly than those who are always punctual. This is because this “inner peace” is one of the main factors responsible for increasing a person's life expectancy.

The researchers say that a more optimistic outlook early in life may predict better health and a lower death rate during follow-up periods, from 15 to 40 years. Furthermore, people who are calm (although often late) showed fewer signs of high blood pressure and heart disease.

According to the results collected, optimism seems to protect the heart and circulation - and it's energizing to know that it can have similar benefits for general health. However, these same problems may not trouble the chronically ill, as they are really unable to function in any other way.

The other side of “positive” delay

According to The Wall Street Journal, people who struggle with chronic tardiness lack the ability to organize their time precisely. This personality trait, often known as a lack of planning, means that people are unable to estimate how long specific tasks or journeys would take.

This characteristic affects up to 40% of the population. In addition, many people become absorbed in their work because they try to complete several tasks at the same time, despite not being able to manage their time well. Our ability to accurately metacognise is impaired by multitasking, which means we are unable to concentrate. fully in our own thought processes or managing our minds, especially those who don't know how to manage their time.

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