What is the oldest country in the world? India is ranked 7th on this list.

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Do you know which is the oldest country in the world? There are different methodologies that define which is the oldest nation on the planet. According to the World Population Review, in Portuguese World Population Review, India is the seventh oldest country in the world, according to the date of the oldest and known government organization.

What is the oldest nation on Earth?

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The planet is about 4.5 billion years old. However, the forms of life, mainly the bacterial, only began to emerge 3.6 billion years ago. Meanwhile, it is known that human life is very recent, so that the first hominids appeared only 2.5 million years ago.

With the evolution of human beings on Earth, social groups organized and formed cities and countries. Let's find out which are the 11 oldest countries in the world, based on the date of the first organized government that was known, see:

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The 11 oldest countries in the world

  1. Iran – 3200 a. W.
  2. Egypt – 3100 a. W.
  3. Vietnam – 2879 a. W.
  4. Armenia – 2492 a. W.
  5. North Korea – 2333 BC. W.
  6. China – 2070 a. W.
  7. India – 2000 a. W.
  8. Georgia – 1300 a. W.
  9. Israel – 1300 a. W.
  10. Sudan – 1070 a. W.
  11. Afghanistan – 678 a. W.

In addition to this list, there are other methodologies that are based on the declaration of sovereignty of some countries. Based on it, Japan is the leader and is considered the oldest country in the world.

See which are the oldest nations, from the date of declaration of independence:

  1. Japan – 660 a. W.
  2. China – 221 a. W.
  3. San Marino – 301 d. W.
  4. France – 843 d. W.
  5. Austria – 976 d. W.
  6. Denmark – 10th century AD. W.
  7. Hungary – 1001 AD. W.
  8. Portugal – 1143 d. W.
  9. Mongolia – 1206 AD. W.
  10. Thailand – 1238 d. W.

These are very curious facts, aren't they? Having knowledge of these methodologies with regard to the oldest nation on the planet, the It is important to bear in mind that humanity, as well as planet Earth, is ancient and develops every more and more.


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