No One Watches These High Cholesterol Signs, But You Should!

Our body composition needs cholesterol. However, the excess of this component in the bloodstream can harm your overall health. Cholesterol can be found both in fatty foods and in maintaining unhealthy lifestyle habits. What can make its treatment difficult is the silent way it rises in the body. However, there are some signs on the hands and feet due to excess cholesterol in the body.

Taking care of health is a necessary factor and requires a lot of discipline

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about the signs of cholesterol high on the body, specialist Dr. Narayan Gadkar, consultant cardiologist at Zen Multi Specialty Hospital, Chembur, comments “Having sore fingers and toes is one of the biggest cholesterol warning signs high. The alerts could be the result of a buildup of cholesterol that clogs the blood vessels in the legs and hands.”

Check out what these signs are and how to identify them below:

  • Leg pain is a symptom that may appear due to the formation of plaques due to excess cholesterol, preventing normal blood circulation in the legs;
  • Some regions of the body have a yellowish color with increased cholesterol, they are: palms, elbows and buttocks. Another region of important observation is the area closest to the eyes and the upper eyelid;
  • The leg and foot regions can be cooler than the rest of the body;
  • Other symptoms include white or yellow color in the nails and skin. Also, nail deformation after growth.

There are some ways to avoid rising cholesterol and therefore the risks of heart disease and heart attacks.

The main changes involve changes in lifestyle such as, for example, consuming foods healthy, stop smoking or drinking, and exercise regularly.

If you identify any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek a doctor to guide you what and how to treat.

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