What are the remaining national holidays in 2022?

On June 16th, Corpus Christi Day is celebrated, a religious date arising from Catholic culture, having become holiday in several Brazilian capitals. In addition to this holiday, the second half of 2022 still has 9 more holidays and optional points so that the Brazilian worker can rest.

To learn more about the holidays and optional points for the second half of 2022, check out the full article!

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Read more: 6 national holidays still remain this year; check which ones.

The calendar of holidays and optional points

According to the 2022 calendar itself, the year still has 5 national holidays and 4 optional points. Check out what they are!

First on the list is the day of Independence of Brazil, which is a national holiday, due to its importance for the country, and celebrated on september 7th. During that year, the date will fall on a Wednesday.

After that, the next holiday will be on

October 12th, also falling on a Wednesday. It's about the Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida, which, like the previous one, is also a national holiday, and many can recognize it as “children's day”.

In November, we will have the holiday of All Souls' Day, honored on the day November 2nd. National holiday, like the others, will also fall on a Wednesday, in this year 2022. Then on the day 15, there is a commemoration of Proclamation of the Republic, which will fall on a Tuesday.

optional points

In October, the first optional point among those mentioned takes place, on the day october 28th (Friday) is the civil servant's day. However, since it is considered optional, as the name implies, it is up to the municipality to choose whether or not to consider this day as a “holiday”.

In day November 20th, there is the second optional point: the Black conscience day. Then, in the month of December, there are the 24th and 31st of the month, which correspond to optional points, unlike the 25th, which is a national holiday.

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