Teas are essential for alleviating the symptoms of a number of medical conditions, such as gastritis, a stomach problem that is characterized as an infection or injury to the stomach. To test your knowledge about ways to fight this disease, we separate this hangman game with the theme “teas for gastritis”, check it out!
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Tip to get the words right in this hangman game
If you haven't played hangman for a while, there will certainly be some difficulties at first, but nothing that practice can't improve. In addition, you can count on the tips to get the words right. In this case, the main tip is that they are teas for gastritis, with the first word having six letters, and the second having ten.

However, it is certainly still not easy to get the answers right, especially if we consider the huge amount of teas that exist. But you don't have to worry, because we've selected two tips that might help you. Soon after, check the signs of both words with a few more letters filled in.
- First Word Tip: It is a tea made from a medicinal herb, which is also an herbaceous one, and is native to the Mediterranean. In addition to fighting gastritis, it still treats several other stomach discomforts.
- Second Word Tip: It is a very useful medicinal plant for the treatment of the entire digestive system, and which has some popular names, such as lizard tongue or bush coffee.
So, did you manage to think of any answers to the challenge after these tips and the board filled with some letters? If the answer is still negative, we invite you to look at the signs that are just below, as other letters have been filled in. Check out:

What are the answers?
After these tips, it was very easy to answer, isn't it?! In this case, the first word is FUNCHO, in reference to the tea of this medicinal herb, while the second word is GUAÇATONGA. These are two wonderful teas that make a total difference in the treatment of gastritis and other stomach and digestive system discomforts.