Find the fish hidden among the cats in 5 seconds

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IQ tests are usually done in order to determine whether a person has a low or high IQ. These are tests that measure the cognitive abilities of each individual, which consists of knowing how to solve problems and have logical reasoning. Then test your IQ with the puzzle and find the fish among the cats.

Types of IQ Tests

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There is a variation of IQ tests such as verbal, non-verbal and full-scale tests. These are tests that are usually tiring and boring. But luckily, there is a fun way to do these tests, which is through puzzles.

Jigsaw puzzles are the best way to do IQ tests, as you will have fun while testing your logical thinking and problem solving skills.

With that in mind, we have prepared a great test for you:

Test your IQ: Find the fish hidden among the cats in 5 seconds!

Test your IQ with the puzzle

In the image above, you can see a group of cats, among them they have a little fish hidden. The challenge we propose for you is to find where the fish is among the cats in the proposed time of 5 seconds. Can you make it?

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Only those who have a good sense of perception and are truly attentive will identify where the little fish is.

Get ready, because your time starts running from now on!

It's only 5 seconds, okay? Do not exceed the time!

And then? Did you find the fish?

If you found the fish, congratulations!

But maybe some of you couldn't find the little fish that easily. If you haven't found the fish among the cats, don't worry below we will reveal the solution to this puzzle.

test solution

In this challenge, you had to find the fish among the cats in 5 seconds. If you failed to solve this brain teaser on time, scroll down and see the answer.

Test your IQ with the puzzle

This type of brain teaser is great for boosting your brain to think more dynamically. In addition, these tests are scientifically proven to improve cognitive skills and logical thinking skills.
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