A sexual reproduction is one that involves the exchange of gametes for genetic variability. Gametes are made up of meiotic divisions and are the only ones haploid cells of living beings.
In this class, students will be able to understand how the formation of gametes is important for sexual reproduction to occur and for characteristics to be transmitted between generations.
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you can save this lesson plan on sexual reproduction and gametes in PDF at the end of the post, enjoy!
Lesson plan – Sexual reproduction and gametes
THEME: Sexual reproduction and gamete formation
- Understand gametes as cells responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics;
- Understand that sexual reproduction only occurs with the presence of gametes.
- List of exercises on sexual reproduction;
- Text on gametogenesis;
- Mind map about gametogenesis;
- Blackboard and chalk/brush.
Introduce the lesson topic to students and ask if they know what sexual reproduction is and asexual. Encourage them to find the differences. For this class to be successful, students must have prior knowledge of cell biology It is cell divisions.
When they find the differences between the two types of reproduction, ask the students if they know why the children look like their parents and/or relatives from the same family.
Show students that some traits are passed from parents to children. Explain that we will use humans for ease of understanding, but that the transmission of traits during sexual reproduction occurs in the same way in all living things.
Explain the concept of sexual reproduction, making students understand that it is in this type of reproduction that reproduction occurs. genetic variability, because there is mixing of the genetic material of the two parents, through the gametes.
Read a text with students about gametogenesis and present them with the following mind map:

Click here to save this gametogenesis mind map in PDF!
Explain the details of gamete formation through meiotic divisions and reinforce that gametes are the only haploid (n) cells in the body of living beings.
Students should understand that each gamete has half of the chromosomes of a species, so when gametes join during fertilization, the number of chromosomes of the species remains constant (n+n=2n). In the case of humans, each gametic cell has 23 (n) chromosomes and the total number of chromosomes in the species is 46 (2n).
Make an overview about the class showing that our characteristics are defined by the genetic material that we inherit from our parents during the fusion of gametes in sexual reproduction.
solve one list of exercises on sexual reproduction to fix the content.
The evaluation of this class can be carried out by the participation of the students in the room and by the resolution of the list of exercises.
Click here to save this lesson plan on sexual reproduction and gametes as a PDF!
See too:
- Science Lesson Plan – Cell Division / Mitosis – 9th grade of Elementary School
- Science Lesson Plan – Cell Division / Meiosis – 9th grade of Elementary School
- Science lesson plan - Immune system and body defense - Elementary School