Clash between Russia and Ukraine could lead to a 3rd World War

If you've been watching the news over the past few days, you've probably heard about the diplomatic tension surrounding Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. These three Eastern European countries formed the “Slavic alliance” during the times of the former Soviet Union. And that's where all this confusion comes from. war between russia and ukraine.

That's because, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Soviet Union came to an end through unfinished negotiations. After all, Russia wanted the areas of Belarus and Ukraine to undergo integration into Russian territory. However, as the moment was very confusing due to the transition, nothing was resolved and Ukraine felt indebted to Russia.

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Ukraine's rapprochement with the European Union

Over the years, movements around the autonomy of Ukraine have grown, as this country has a relationship like that of a colony with Russia. In other words, independence was worth little, and the Ukrainians began to show interest in a possible integration into the European Union. As a result, Russia took a drastic step and invaded Crimea in 2014, which made the situation much worse.

Now, in 2022, Ukraine is again under constant threat of a new invasion by Russia. In this way, a military tension similar to that of the great wars involves the region, including the suspicion of invasion of the official sites of Ukraine by Russia.

Therefore, many argue that it is possible that the entire confrontation is cyberattacks. Meanwhile, Russia continues to send troops to the border with Ukraine, so a military intervention could happen at any moment.

A possible World War 3

Although the Russian government continues to say that it will not invade Ukraine, this discourse is not accepted in the rest of the world. Thus, conversations and meetings involving the United States, the European Union and, of course, the two countries already take place. Soon, the state is on full alert, including American President Joe Biden asking Americans who are in Ukraine to return to the country as soon as possible.

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