Find out how to participate in the free courses offered by Banco Safra

O Safra Bank is offering free courses for the general public. In this sense, financial education courses are being offered, whether related to finance, investments or economy.

The user will be able to watch videos of short courses on the web from the “O Specialist” bank with free access. So check out how you can participate in the free bank courses.

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Free courses in the area of ​​finance are being offered by Banco Safra

The main objective of providing free courses in the area of ​​finance is to help Brazilians in need of deepening the understanding of the themes in view of the frequent oscillations of the economy, of inflation and of the market of investments.

Thus, in order to access the material, it is necessary to register on the “O Specialist” portal of Banco Safra. Through these materials, you will be able to learn about various investment options, as well as macroeconomic concepts. In addition, you will learn to invest in real estate funds, stock exchanges and cryptocurrencies.

Banco Safra's intention is to present the themes in a more dynamic and accessible way. Learning about finance can fit into anyone's schedule this way. Furthermore, as they are free online courses, they can be watched from anywhere. Thus, it is worth mentioning that there is also no defined time for the study to be completed.

How to participate?

In the course, it is possible to have access to a “menu” with several classes that serve both students who want to learn the fundamentals of economics and business for beginners, as well as those who want to know more about specific topics in intense way.

Those interested in taking financial education courses should access the Banco Safra website, The Specialist, and fill out the form. When doing so, just click on “courses” and that's it: just choose the topic you like and study the material offered. In the end, you will have learned more about topics related to finance in different degrees of complexity.

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