Banco do Brasil negotiates debts of entrepreneurs

in the week of National Debt Renegotiation Campaign, O Bank of Brazil carried out the renegotiation with 6 thousand entrepreneurs and Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs). The values ​​revolve around approximately R$ 150 million. According to the institution, the search for renegotiation through BB's digital channels grew by approximately 200% during the campaign.

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The campaign aims to support micro and small businesses that have loans with overdue installments and are linked to the Sebrae Guarantee Fund (Fampe). Other loans and financing that are overdue may be reassessed.

BB will renegotiate the installments of businesses that have annual gross revenues below R$ 4.8 million and debts overdue for more than 15 days. The debt balance can be renegotiated in up to 96 months, with rates of TR + 1% per month. It is also possible to get a discount of up to 92% for those debts that are overdue for more than 60 days.

“dirty” name

Currently, there are around 65 million Brazilians with a dirty name in the SPC/Serasa, according to the last Map of Defaults and Debt Renegotiation in Brazil made by Serasa. Having the name negative generates limitation and reduction of the score in the credit protection bodies, making financing more costly and making it difficult to rent real estate.

However, there can be no discrimination against those people who find themselves in this situation, that is, they cannot be prevented from being hired by a private company or approved in a public tender, nor from getting their passport and visa. “Opening a bank account can be more expensive and credit scarce, but nowadays it is also possible”, comments the executive director (CEO) of BuscaJuris, Fernando Xavier.

It is possible to check whether the Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) is subject to any restriction, free of charge, through websites and applications of credit protection bodies.

The great chance to get out of this restriction and clear the name are the events promoted by the credit protection agencies with some companies. “On these occasions, attractive discounts are offered to regularize the situation”, explains Xavier.

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