Did you know that one of the ways to keep your brain active and sharp is to practice mental “exercises”? so make a intelligence test it can be fun and also beneficial for your mind. In the case of this challenge, you have to look for clues in the image that reveal which of the children has a rich father, but you have to do this in just eleven seconds.
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In the image above, you can see two children sitting down for lunch. From the shape of the dishes and the environment, we can deduce that the scene takes place in a school, at mealtime. In this case, the image is the only information you will have to deduce the financial condition of the parents of these children.
This is because the challenge is based on the assumption that one of the children is rich, but there is no explicit information that points us to a specific child. However, an intelligent person who pays attention to details can realize that there is a detail in the image that calls attention and can give the result.
For the challenge to become even more interesting, you need to give an answer and explain the reason for your answer in just eleven seconds. So stop whatever you're doing right now and pay attention to the image for the next eleven seconds. At the end of that time, you must say which child had the rich parents and why.
What is the answer?
Most of the players in this challenge it is often said that it is the girl who owns the rich parents. That's because she seems to have a more chic outfit and even has a necklace that may be from some precious jewel. However, we have no way of knowing if the necklace is from real jewelry, as it could be cheap jewelry.
In fact, it is the boy who has rich parents and this is due to a detail that few people pay attention to: his meal. That's because a soup salad is usually much more expensive than a burger and fries. Thus, we can safely say that the financial condition of the boy is better than that of the girl.