Mental health: What parental habits make teenagers mentally ill?

Adolescence is a phase with many challenges and changes that often generate anguish and suffering. These factors have become much more intense in our times, when there is so much technology and access to information.

In this sense, some parents wonder what habits make teenagers sick. To answer this question, below, check out some of the common habits in this generation that harm the mental health of adolescents.

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Read more: Encourage teens to open up to mental health with this method.

Habits that generate mental illness in adolescents

The vast majority of teenagers practice the habits highlighted below, but many of them don't realize how harmful they can be. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that parents understand the dangers involved in this phase and try to intervene in the best possible way. Check out these habits:

Spending too much time on social media

It may seem like a big cliché to say that social networks harm the mental health of teenagers, but in fact, excessive access to these networks is very harmful. After all, networks represent a fake life, but which sometimes becomes the main focus of teenagers.

Isolate yourself from the family

Family lunches and dinners, or even unpretentious conversations between parents and children, are increasingly rare. However, this conviviality is non-negotiable and helps a lot to keep adolescents in mental health. On the other hand, isolation can lead to extreme illness.

Fight on social media

Unfortunately, networks have become the stage for discussions between people who don't even know each other for various reasons. Generally, it is believed that these discussions on the internet are silly, but, in fact, they can actually have consequences for mental health, especially regarding the health of adolescents.


Finally, we have a habit that is unfortunately eating away at many of our generation's teens: procrastination. More and more teenagers give up chasing their dreams and this is largely due to inertia in the face of life's challenges. With that, we say that it is necessary to encourage this generation and offer opportunities for it to grow!

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