Elementary school: Teacher refutes belief that they only work '8-9 months' a year

Kyle Cohen, known as “Mr. Cohen,” is a 4th grade teacher in Cleveland, Ohio who shares education-related content on TikTok. On a recent video, he addressed the topic of teachers' salaries and summer vacations.

Cohen did an analysis of teachers' salaries, highlighting how many of them are underpaid, considering they only work 8-9 months a year.

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He questioned whether it really is easier to work as a teacher compared to other jobs that require year-round work.

Kyle Cohen, in responding to the claim that teachers only need to work “8 to 9 months” a year, shared his personal experience as a teacher. He mentioned that after earning a bachelor's degree in psychology and leadership studies from The Ohio State University, he started his career as a teacher.

Do teachers earn less compared to other professions?

Faced with criticism that teachers only work “8 to 9 months” a year, Kyle Cohen decided to respond in a follow-up video. Using mathematical concepts, he demonstrated how much teachers dedicate themselves intensely to their profession.

His approach sought to show that teachers' work goes beyond the school period, involving lesson planning, correction of work, meetings and continuous professional development.

Cohen's intention was to highlight the effort and commitment required to be a teacher, demystifying the idea that they have a reduced work time.

In his first year as a teacher, he taught at a charter school in Cleveland, Ohio. Cohen pointed out that as a 4th grade teacher with a class of 16 students with various special needs, he was paid a salary of $31,000.

This information was shared to illustrate the salary reality faced by many teachers and to show that the dedication and hard work of these professionals goes beyond the class period.

His low salary as a teacher caused surprise among viewers. Using mathematics, Cohen did an analysis of his salary as a teacher. Based on the estimated number of hours he devoted annually to work, he concluded that his wages amounted to only about $14 an hour.

This comparison highlighted the fact that hourly earnings are close to the minimum wage in Ohio, with states such as California and New York offering higher minimum wages.

Cohen's intent was to show the financial impact of this low hourly rate in relation to hard work and the importance of the teaching profession.

By concluding the video, the teacher made it clear that he loves his job as a teacher and deeply values ​​his profession. He expressed gratitude for being involved in education and stressed that he would not trade this experience for anything.

Certainly, the importance of recognizing that teachers, even working “only eight to nine months of the year”, according to the mistaken perception of some, are being inadequately remunerated, considering the amount of work that play.

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