The Federal Government allocated more than R$ 2 billion for the payment of emergency aid retroactively. In this sense, more than one million Brazilians can now check whether they are entitled to benefits.
One of the groups of people who can receive this amount of aid is that of single parents who are heads of single-parent households who received the program's simple quota in 2020.
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Learn more about government emergency aid
Approximately 800 million families have already benefited from the measure. Retroactive payments of emergency aid began in January of this year, with amounts ranging from R$600 to R$3,000, according to the number of installments previously received.
That's because, between April and August 2020, everyone who received five simple quota installments will be entitled to a bonus of R$ 3 thousand. Those who were approved only after the 2020 emergency aid, and received only a portion at the time, will be entitled to retroactive payment of BRL 600.
How to know the value of the aid?
To find out if you are entitled to an extra package, visit the website of Dataprev, the government's Social Security technology company. To consult, just fill in the fields with your full name, CPF and date of birth.
It is important to note that those who have not been paid for emergency aid in the past will not have access to retroactive amounts.
Who has the right?
There are two primary groups that will have access to these benefits, those who are registered with CadÚnico and Auxílio Brasil, as well as the public registered on the website.
In the first case, single parents who are registered on the platform as Family Responsible, who receive the Emergency Aid (without spouse) and have at least one minor under guardianship, may be entitled to aid.
In addition, for those who have registered on the website, the Ministry of Citizenship will assess whether the head of family does not have a spouse and has at least one minor under their responsibility to have access to the benefit.