The danger of processed meats

In October 2015, the processed meats were labeled as carcinogenic foods by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), of the World Health Organization. After that, there was a lot of speculation about the safety of these foods. The purpose of this text is discuss why these foods received this rating and how it changes our diet.
What are processed meats?

Processed meats are meats modified with the purpose of changing the flavor and/or increasing the storage time. Among the modifications that can be made are smoking, addition of salt and preservatives, fermentation, drying, among others. As an example of processed meat, we can mention: bacon, bacon, sausages, salami, sausages, hams, canned meats, meat-based sauces, among other products.
Why were processed meats classified in the same group as tobacco?

WHO classifies foods according to evidence that proves or not their carcinogenic potential. In the case of processed meats, they were classified in group 1, as there are studies that prove that these foods have a direct relationship with the cancer, just like tobacco.

Classification in the same group does not mean that tobacco and processed meat have the same carcinogenic power. Although both products are related to the disease, smoking is much more dangerous, as it causes cancer more often than consuming processed meat.

It is important to note that red meats also received an “alert” by the WHO, but were classified in a lower risk group. They were considered as 2A, that is, foods likely to be carcinogenic to humans. This classification is due to the fact that there are few conclusive studies.
Is processed meat related to a specific type of cancer?

Processed meat increases the rates, mainly, of colorectal cancer, which affects the colon, rectum or anal canal. However, these foods also increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.
Should we stop consuming processed meat?

Despite being known to be carcinogenic, processed meat can be ingested, as long as it is small. However, it is good to be aware that 50 grams of meat a day is responsible for an 18% increase in the risk of developing cancer. According to WHO data, 34,000 people die every year from problems related to this type of food.

It is worth emphasizing that, to avoid colorectal and stomach cancer, a balanced diet should be carried out, among other measures. Increasing your consumption of vegetables, fruits, vegetables and cereals is a good way to improve your health.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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