Importance of owning up to mistakes

Both in interpersonal relationships and in the work environment, we have a natural tendency to run away from the consequences of our mistakes. We do this by denying them, blaming other people for the problems, or simply ignoring the situation.

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So today we're going to address the importance of recognizing failures so you know how to be a more responsible person.

Why is it important to recognize one's mistakes?

It would be great if we were always right and never made wrong decisions, but we are human and we are subject to mistakes. You've certainly heard someone say that “to err is human”, haven't you? This is normal. What is not normal is running away from responsibilities and disregarding the consequences of one's actions.

We've listed some key tips for you to understand how to recognize these flaws to become a more aware person. Someone who is responsible for what he says and does. Follow these suggestions, so you can see a positive difference in your relationships in no time.

1. Take the mistakes to yourself

Sometimes the hardest part is admitting to ourselves that we have failed. That's why the first tip and one of the most important is: admit what you've done inside. Do this exercise. Preferably, verbalize what your mistake was instead of just saying it in your thoughts. You will certainly already take a weight off your conscience.

2. Admit the mistake to the people involved in the situation

Once you've convinced yourself of your failure, it's important to make it clear to those involved in the situation that you are aware of what you did or said. You can even try to justify the action (if it is something justifiable), but show that you understand that it was not something legal.

3. Ask for forgiveness and show that you want to do different 

After acknowledging the fact to yourself and those involved, it's time to apologize. Some people find it very difficult to say “I'm sorry, I made a mistake, this will never happen again”, but these words are essential to seal peace in relationships. Apologize sincerely!

4. think about the future

It won't do any good to follow the three previous steps if you keep doing the same old things, right? In this way, it is important that you think about the future and organize yourself so as not to repeat the same attitudes. This goes for all your relationships, whether they are work, family or even friendships.

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