5 Chrome Extensions That Will Make ChatGPT Even Better

ChatGPT is an OpenIA tool that is already revolutionizing the development of leading technologies. With less than 1 year of release, different extensions for ChatGPT in Chrome are available for download and their main objective is to improve user productivity.

The best extensions for ChatGPT

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So, to make technology even better, here are 5 Chrome Extensions for ChatGPT that you should download today.

Enhanced ChatGPT

Considered an updated version of OpenIA technology, the Enhanced ChatGPT extension has different features, such as suggestions of what to do on a trip.

For those who want to read in English, the Enhanced extension can also translate texts in the English language and tell stories.

Available to download, the extension also exports conversations already had with the bot for you to review and organize all the content.

Merlin ChatGPT Assistant

The Merlin extension aims to make accessing ChatGPT even easier to make the tool available in the main browsers you use and can be used on multiple sites.

In addition to making summaries, the Merlin extension can also write emails and comments on social networks. For the tool to work, just press the keys Ctrl + M, for Windows, or Cmd + M, for MacOS simultaneously.

The extension can be installed for free here.


Just like the Merlin extension, the ReaderGPT is a version for Chrome that promises to create summaries, according to filters determined by the user, such as, for example, the size of the summary.

ChatGPT Writer

Considered one of the most well-known functions of ChatGPT, this technology promises to create texts and emails with the help of AI.

The extension of ChatGPTWriter for Chrome promises to make the creative process even easier. This is because a ChatGPT tab will be available on major email servers such as Outlook and Gmail.

In this way, the user avoids changing tabs to create the e-mail and only then paste it into the message space.


With this ChatGPT extension, you'll be able to access recent web content, integrating the bot's database, which is only updated until 2021, with the latest news.

To download WebChatGPT, simply click here to access the features of this tool.

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