4 ways to harm yourself because of your own personality

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Ever feel like your life is totally out of place, like you're being held back in some way? Usually, on these occasions, we look for explanations in other people, however, many times this obstacle is the result of our own personality. To learn more about, see below how your personality can harm you.

4 ways to self-sabotage according to your personality

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It's very difficult to realize when situations are bad because of our own personality. That's because our tendency is to look at what others have done and not what we ourselves are building in our lives. However, our nature can put us in high trouble, especially when we do the following acts:

Compare yourself to others

Perhaps the main form of self-sabotage is comparing our results with other people's results. After all, each journey is unique and we cannot compare our own experience with other people's experiences. On the contrary, we need to build our path without looking at the sides, as this can harm us a lot.

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dream too much

Another problem that often plagues people is a kind of fixation with dreams. In this case, there is no problem with dreaming, as long as you have the right attitudes to make those dreams come true. However, this is not the reality of people who spend more time dreaming than performing acts. notable.

Work harder than you should

Furthermore, we also have a fixation on the work itself, putting themselves in a constant situation of pressure and demand. For many people, this is a way to grow, however, the stress that comes from a suffocating work routine can take a toll on us mentally. Therefore, it is important to recognize and determine our own limits.

inappropriate sense of humor

Finally, we cannot forget that interpersonal relationships are important for our personal growth. Therefore, inappropriate jokes that criticize other people can close countless doors for us, in addition to representing a great lack of sensitivity on our part. Just in case, always check your mood to see if you're not hurting someone else.


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