INSS requests are encountering an error in the CNIS; understand

An error in CNIS may end up preventing people from continuing their care in the INSS. The service is used to request a document that shows all the social security contributions that have been registered in the Registry Nacional de Informação Social (CNIS) in the name of the person, being used when applying for a social security benefit, such as The retirement, for example.

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The CNIS presents the following information:

  • employer's name;
  • period worked;
  • remuneration/salary received; It is
  • contributions made in the Social Security Guide (GPS), on their own account or as a service provider.

It is possible to apply entirely online, and it is unnecessary to go to an INSS agency to obtain the document. Anyone registered with the CNIS can use the service. To do so, just follow the steps below:

  • Enter My INSS;
  • Click on “What do you need?” and write the name of the service you want;
  • Click on “Download PDF”; DOCUMENTATION in common for all cases.

Thus, the CPF number is mandatory. If you are an attorney or legal representative, you must have a power of attorney or term of legal representation (guardianship, curatorship, custody time). It is also necessary to present an identification document with photo (RG, CNH or CTPS) and CPF of the attorney or representative.

The procedure can be done by cell phone, downloading the Meu INSS app. If you can't get in touch via the app, you can do it by phone. So, for more information or to clarify your doubts about the service, contact the INSS Service Center by phone 135. The service is available from Monday to Saturday, from 7 am to 10 pm.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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