Learn a little about spices in the word search game

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You Hunting words require a quick look and concentration. It's a simple hobby that helps you learn new words. There are several themes, but today what we separate is about seasoning. Seasoned food is great, isn't it? Brazil has different spices and each place uses them in a different way. Check out some of the spices in the game and learn a little more about each one.

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Learn more about some seasonings!

Since the 15th century, seasonings, or spices as they were called, played an important role in cooking. Due to the difficulty in acquiring them, they used to have a value equivalent to coins. It was through the sharing of spices that world gastronomy was built.

Now let's get started! Carefully read the hints to help you find the words in the picture. Remember: they can be in all directions (horizontal, vertical, inverted).

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Hunting words.
  1. Originating from the orchid, this spice is widely used as a food flavoring. Mainly in confectionery, it is used in powder or stick form;
  2. Main ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine. Unlike the other foods in this group, it is acquired from a fruit and not a seed;
  3. It has a yellowish color and its origin is from India. It is a mixture of herbs, among them saffron;
  4. In Brazil, this seasoning arrived through the Portuguese. It's an Asian root and one of its benefits is improving blood circulation;
  5. It is a plant with a peculiar flavor. Widely used in the region of Italy in pasta and sauces. They originate in Asia and Africa;
  6. It was formerly used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. It can be consumed raw, cooked or seasoned with food. Its aroma is very striking, making it possible to identify when someone close to you ate it.

So, did you manage to find all the spices? We hope you enjoyed the prank! Check the answer below:

Hunting words.
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