Zahiruddin Muhammad or Kahir al-Din Mohamed

Emperor, warrior, adventurer, poet and nature lover born in the principality of Fergana, a region today belonging to Uzbekistan, founder of the Mongol empire of India. Descendant of Genghis Khan on his mother's side and of Taimur or Tamerlane on his father's side.
inherited from this, Umar Shaykh Mirza, the government of Fergana (1494). In the following years he tried to fulfill the old dream of reconquering Samarkand, the former capital of the Taimur empire. Defeated by the Uzbeks of Transoxania and their forces, driven from Samarkand and Fergana (1501), he took refuge in Kabul, after conquering the region along with Qandhar and Badakhshan. After 22 years he turned his interest to India.
After several incursions, he defeated the mighty army of Ibrahim Lodi, Sultan of Delhi, at Panipat (1526) and the Rana Sanga of Mewar (1527) becoming the first Mongol emperor of northern India and establishing Agra as the capital of the new empire, city where he died. He wrote an autobiography in Turkish, Tuzk-I-Babri, later translated by Abdur Rahim Khan Khanan into Persian during the reign of his grandson Akbar.


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