The water we drink today could be 4.5 billion years old, says theory

Have you ever stopped to reflect on how long water has been present on planet Earth? If so, how long did you estimate the age of the water? There are different hypotheses for the survey on the origin of the water we drink today. The theory that studied the origins of the solar system stated that the origin of water could date back 4.5 billion years.

It is unlikely for science to go back in time to unlock the secrets surrounding the formation of the Earth, the Sun and the entire solar system. Still, astronomy allows that some observations can be made in different ways, the which is extremely valid to observe, for example, the age of the water that humans drink in the days current.

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Astronomy suggests that during the formation of the solar system, a young star carried a certain amount of water in its creation, composed of oxygen and hydrogen. It went through four stages of chemical transformation until it reaches what we call water formed in the

planet Earth.

Astronomy: four steps for water to be formed

Theory suggests that the formation started as a cloud in which most of the composition was hydrogen, formed by dust particles, traces of oxygen and helium. The oxygen fixes on the particles and, due to the low temperature of the system, freezes. The lighter chemical, hydrogen, wanders freely through the cloud formation and becomes ice when it encounters oxygen.

After the first step, the function is fully responsible for gravity. The ice particles will accumulate after the first stage and will form a certain mass in the middle of the cloud, which experts point to as a protostar. At this stage, heating goes to -173°C due to gravity. What was ice will become steam.

The third stage consists of the formation of the protoplanetary, causing the cloud that was dense to transform into a disk that will rotate around the formation of the star. Afterwards, the water vapor moves away and becomes solid again, causing the dust particle to accumulate again.

In the fourth stage, gravity organizes the appropriate particles that will be part of the solar system. Experts point out that water accumulated between the fragments that formed the Earth and is the most precious thing we have today.

The publication of GeoScienceWorld Elements stipulates that about 1% to 50% of the existing water on the entire planet arose together with the formation of the solar system. It's not a very accurate estimate, but the discovery becomes extremely important for understanding Earth's natural processes.

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